
Frank S. Harding was born in Three Rivers, Michigan, March 10, 1856. He moved with his parents to Lagrange, Indiana in 1870 where he attended high school and learned the printers’ trade. Harding came to Astoria, Oregon in June 1877 and worked in the office of the Astorian with D. C. Ireland. From 1878 to 1882 he was with the Statesman of Salem and later with the Reporter of McMinnville and the Transcript of Astoria. In 1887 he purchased the Register at Lafayette with borrowed capital. In 1889 the paper was moved to McMinnville and consolidated with the Telephone under the proprietorship of Harding & Heath. New machinery and material was immediately added, making the Telephone-Register plan the best in the county.

In 1894, Harding was made postmaster of McMinnville and served four years and one month. Upon his appointment, he sold his interest in the Telephone-Register to Capt. Heath, who in turn sold it to Mr. Harding. In 1882, Mr. Harding was united in marriage to Miss Lillie A. Grubbs. They had no children.





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