1895- Constructed as a residence
1895- 1950s- Henderschott residence
1980s and 1990s- La Maison Surrette
2003 to present- Bistro Maison
This two-story wood frame gable roof house was originally a symmetrical T-shaped plan. The property has since been substantially altered on all elevations. The front porch has been extended across the front of both the original and newer addition. The building exhibits Queen Anne detailing such as fish scale shingles and fancy cut woodwork on the front porch post brackets.
Due to the substantial alterations done to this building in the 1980s and its non-commercial building type, this property has been determined Historic Non-Contributing.
Built in 1895 by George Henderschott, this is one of the oldest wood framed structures in the downtown area. At one time it was used as a wayside station for the interurban electric rail line.
In 1895, George and Della Hendershott moved to McMinnville and operated the Commercial Hotel from 1896 to 1908. The Commercial Hotel was located on the present day location of Eggleston Block. Today, Bistro Maison, an award-winning French bistro, is a popular date night spot for tourists and locals alike.